The North Fork Shenandoah River, Virginia

Site Features:

Shenandoah River Species


Cyprinidae (page 3 of 3)


Spotfin shiner Cyprinella spilotera

Cyprinella = "small carp", spilotera = "spot fin"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Satinfin shiner Cyprinella analostana

Cyprinella = "small carp", analostana = after Analostan Island (Theodore Roosevelt Island) in the Potomac River

North Fork & South Fork Shenandoah Rivers


Common shiner Luxilus cornutus

Luxilus = "little, light", cornutus = "horned"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Rosyface shiner Notropis rubellus

Notropis = "back keel", rubellus = "red"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Comely shiner Notropis amoenus

Notropis = " back keel", amoenus = "pleasing/lovely"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Spottail shiner Notropis hudsonius

Notopis = "back keel", hudsonius = "of the Hudson"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Swallowtail shiner Notropis procne

Notropis = "back keel", procne = "swallow"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Jenkins and Burkhead 1993

Jenkins and Burkhead 1993

Jenkins and Burkhead 1993














Jenkins and Burkhead 1993

Noel M. Burkhead

Jenkins and Burkhead 1993

Jenkins and Burkhead 1993