The North Fork Shenandoah River, Virginia

Site Features:

Shenandoah River Species


Cyprinidae (page 1 of 3)


Common carp Cyprinus carpio

Cyprinus = for Cyprus, from which the carp was supposedly introduced into Europe, carpio = "carp"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Central stoneroller Campostoma anomalum

Campostoma = "curved mouth", anomalum = "different"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Cutlips minnow Exoglossum maxillingua

Exoglossum = "outside tongue", maxillingua = "jawbone tongue"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Pearl dace Margariscus margarita

Margariscus = "pearly", margarita = "pearl"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Fallfish Semotilus corporalis

Semotilus = "banner (fin) spotted", corporalis = "bodily"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Creekchub Semotilus atromaculatus

Semotilus = "banner (fin) spotted", atromaculatus = "black spot"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Longnose dace Rhinichthys cataractae

Rhinichthys = "snout fish", cataractae = "of cataracts"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus

Rhinichthys = "snout fish", atrartulus = "dressed in black"

North Fork, South Fork & Mainstem Shenandoah Rivers


Pictures Courtesy of

Jenkins & Burkhead 1993